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A New Way of Looking at Health Thanks to Ancient Wisdom

Giving respect where due

The past often doesn't receive enough respect. People often imagine their ancestors as people caught in a continual cycle of desperation and need. People who just got by in life rather than really enjoyed it. The reason often comes down to modern technology and the institutions built around it. When we look back in the past and don't see the things we personally depend on we tend to make some assumptions. If we're doing things right than people in the past must have been on the opposite extreme. But when one looks closer it often becomes very obvious that this is a tremendous over simplification. People in the past often had a higher quality of living than people in the modern era. And it's even fairly common for our ancestors to have used analogues to the things we enjoy today. But what's even more surprising is that these things are often more effective, or at least effective in different ways. This might not seem especially important at first. But it means that one can combine effective medical treatments from the past with modern methods of administration. This combination can create some amazingly effective medicines.


The best of multiple areas

One of the best examples of this can be found with something known as cbd vape oil. The oil itself is a concentrated extract made from one of the world's most potent medicinal plants. Our ancestors made great use of it in the past, but the extensive preparation and difficult methods of administration made it a little too difficult for modern sensibilities. But melding it with modern vape technology has produced a synergistic system which combines the best of both worlds. Ancient wisdom and modern technology blend to create a very potent medicine. It's not only more potent than traditional plant extracts, but also far easier to use. One simply needs to load up the vape and inhale. The powerful healing effects of CBD will then spread through one's body. 

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